In mlm most important part is building the list and your business is dependent on the number of names in your list.The only secret of the top networkers
Is they are always having a back list of minimum 100 names, and always they do give their own joinings this difference makes them to be a top earner
In the mlm industry.Having this kind of quality you lead mlm organization.
Unfortunately, to some extent, network marketing is a numbers game. In order to increase your commissions, you constantly have to set benchmarks for network growth.
But as a network marketer, you know that most of those you attempt to recruit wont do it; and most of those who do it wont succeed.
This means that you have to find dozens of people, present the opportunity to them, and then train those who join to succeed.
The best way to get started is to literally write 100 names down. These will be your first 100 attempts to gain members of your network.
Now, you can draw these names from a number of different places: if you want, you could write down names of friends and family members;
you could write down names of people you talk to on a regular basis; or you could purchase leads from a company and specific certain parameters that you want.
Whatever you do, start by writing down 100 names. It seems symbolic and unnecessary, but you have to set benchmarks in order to ensure
that you keep a high standard for your level of growth; otherwise, you might think you are working hard, but in reality, you are doing considerably less than is possible.
As I mentioned, there are a number of different places you can find these names; however, there are also different types of leads you can find.
For instance, if you purchase them from a lead-generation company, you can differentiate between leads you can contact over the phone and
leads you can contact through email or mail. Depending on what your opportunity happens to be, these differences could be quite significant.
So start by writing down 100 names. If there is some specific “better way” to do this, then do that also. But what is more important is that you actually get 100 names down on a piece of paper.
My recommended opportunity to you
Saturday, September 20, 2008
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