The vast majority of people who attempt network marketing fail miserably. And there's a good reason for that: the vast majority of people who attempt network marketing are so blindly driven towards earning money that they forget to consider the human element, which is the only thing that really matters when building a network.
In fact, most people who are in network marketing today haven't even tried the products they attempt to sell or attempt to get other people to sell. This is nowhere more apparent than on forums, where a new network marketer will often post a signature that urges readers to join his network; yet, at the same time, he'll make a post asking if the network he is already promoting is any good. This instantly reduces his credibility to zero. And this sounds completely bizarre, but it happens on a fairly regular basis.
If you're going to encourage people to buy or to sell a product, you may want to actually try it yourself first, so you can make sure it is something worth paying for. There are plenty of marketable products out there, but if you know exactly what is good about a given product, you will be able to sell it considerably better.
Once you have established credibility and the understanding of the product you are selling, you will then want to begin building a network. This is the only way you can possibly avoid the failure that most others experience: by doing everything in a legitimate way, rather than cutting corners to save time. Instead, spend the time to know your product; and spend even more time getting to know everyone in your network. The better they are able to replicate whatever successes you have had, the better your network will do as a cohesive whole.
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Monday, September 15, 2008
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