What is network marketing? / What is mlm ?
What was it in the past?
Why is it today?
And how is it likely to change in the near future?
These are all important questions to ask as a network marketer. If you don’t know where you were, you’ll have a hard time figuring out where you are; and if you don’t know where you are, you might never figure out where you will be in the future. All of this is important to determine, so that you can accurately anticipate changes and make adjustments.
So what was network marketing in the past?
It was a somewhat primitive version of what we now have today. You could create your own network of marketers, train them to sell, and then unleash them to make sales, so that you could earn commissions; however, there was one critical, simplifying, streamlining component missing: the Internet.
Today, keeping track of your network of marketers is considerably easier. You can use various pieces of software, php, and clickbank to record who made what sale. Additionally, you can use various applications to create different network structures and payment systems.
Another one of the major bonuses to network marketing today is that you can now recruit your network online. This makes things considerably easier. You no longer have to approach people over the phone or at product party to recruit new people to sell for you. Instead, you can find the various places that network marketers frequent; and then make an attempt to solicit them for your network.
In the future, we are likely to see the continuation of this trend, as network marketers continue to exploit the Internet as a resource; and as they find new means of leverage to recruit and educate, so that they can grow larger networks and earn larger commissions.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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